Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Berry Galette

Do you have a dessert that you make regularly? Or do you flit from one recipe to the next? I do a bit of both but more often I make something for a while, then completely forget about it. This galette is a good example of that. I've been making it since Baking with Julia was published in 1996, but these days I am always trying something new and it got pushed aside. What a shame, as this is a beautiful dough to work with, even if you are not fond of making and rolling out pastry. It comes together quickly in the food processor and stays soft enough to roll easily, even right out of the fridge. Fill it with any sort of berries you like (except strawberries--too watery), stone fruit or even pineapple chunks. 
Galette Dough
From Baking with Julia, contributing baker Flo Braker
Makes 2 large or 8 small

3 tablespoons yogurt/buttermilk/sour cream
about ⅓ cup ice water
1 cup all-purpose flour
¼ cup cornmeal
1 teaspoon sugar
½ teaspoon salt
7 tablespoons cold unsalted butter, cut into 6 to 8 pieces
  1. Stir the yogurt and ice water together and set aside. Put the flour, cornmeal sugar and salt in a food processor and pulse to combine. Add the butter and pulse 8 to 10 times, or until the mixture is speckled with butter pieces. With the machine running, add the yogurt mixture and process just until the dough forms soft, moist curds.
  2. Divide the dough into 2 or 6 pieces and press each into a disc. Wrap and chill for at least 2 hours. It can also be frozen and thawed in the fridge.
Berry Galette

½ recipe galette dough

1½ cups mixed fresh berries (I used raspberries, blackberries and blueberries)
1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon cold unsalted butter (I usually omit this, preferring to serve it with scads of whipped cream)
  1. Preheat oven to 400℉/200℃. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Roll the dough on a lightly floured surface until it is about ¹⁄₈"/0.3cm thick. The dough is soft and easy to roll, but lift and turn it and add more flour if necessary so that it doesn't stick. Transfer to the parchment lined baking sheet.
  3. Place the berries on top and sprinkle with the 1 tablespoon sugar. Fold the uncovered border of dough up over the edge of the berries, allowing it to pleat. Dip a pastry brush in water and coat the edge lightly, then sprinkle with sugar (I used a mixture of coarse decorating sugar and chopped pistachios).
  4. Bake the large galette for 35-40 minutes, and the smaller ones for about 25 minutes, or until the pastry is golden and crisp and the berry juices are starting to run. Place the baking sheet on a cooling rack and cool for about 10 minutes before sliding it off the parchment to continue cooling.
  5. Serve warm or at room temperature. This is best the day it is made.
See you on the 14th for my Daring Cooks' Challenge reveal! 


  1. I'm like that too, making something over and over then forgetting about it. I'm going to start a food diary of what I make because I often forget some wonderful recipes. I have this book but have never tried the recipe. Thanks Mary, I certainly will now!

  2. The dough sounds deliciously different, I like the idea of using cornmeal and yogurt.
    Looks yummy too! :D

  3. How fantastic looking! Love the dollop of cream on top.

  4. I definitely flit from one dessert to another: there are too many out there that I want to try, and I don't make dessert all that often. But yes, galette is a classic way of using summer fruit, and yours looks delicious!

  5. I too have this cookbook, but have not tried this one. Yours looks delicate and delicious. I've been inspired :-)

  6. I love that cookbook and use it often, but I haven't made this recipe, I will now.

  7. This berry galette is beautiful. I love the simplicity. The photo is gorgeous too. I want one now.

  8. Beautiful! Is a galette the same thing as a blossom? I just love apple or bumbleberry blossoms! Could you sub the cornmeal with regular flour? I remember what you said about gritty cornmeal!

  9. I love making galettes. So rustic and so fun. AND so good. This one looks wonderful. I am looking for fruit at the store 2mrw.

  10. More berries and more yogurt! The combo is divine, isn't it? I own a copy of Baking with Julia and have made this before - it's UHH-mazing! Yours looks even better than the photo in the book! I think I hae to make it again soon, and I think I need to buy some blackberry and raspberry bushes to plant soon! I only hope they take..I lack the green thumb *sigh*

  11. Must give this a try. Tip for strawberries and a bit of tapioca...it absorbs the liquid.

    With the blog I rarely do a recipe twice...unfortunately.

  12. I didn't know apple blossoms were "uniquely Canadian"!


    PC makes them too but I like Chudleigh's. :)

  13. Such a pretty galette, Mary. I really enjoy making galettes because they are so less fussy than pies. I have not tried this recipe from Baking with Julia, but certainly plan to now. Thank you!

  14. This is one of the first recipes I made from that book too! :-) I love it. :-)

  15. I had my first country-style galette several years ago, and it was made by someone who used it as her standard fall-backk dessert!

    My regulars are Mark Bittman's chocolate tofu pudding and fruit compotes. The compotes are wonderfully easy; toss some fruit and a little sugar/spices in a pan and cook or roast. You can serve it over ice cream, cake, with cookies, or just in little dishes.

  16. How lovely galette! gloria

  17. Love these - did you see my Saskatoon berry galette? A chef taught me how to do a really cool raspberry crumble on top - take a look. It was really delicious, too.

  18. I did a Saskatoonberry galette last year about this same time - maybe I recall you telling me you had made on e at the same time... it is definitely galette season, mid summer. YOurs look yummy, too!

  19. Woops - see I already posted here in Sept. My memory is like a sieve these days - TRULY!


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