Sunday, August 21, 2011

Apricot Jam

Do you like making jam or eating jam? Or do you like both? I love making jam, but I don't eat that much of it. This often leaves me with a surplus, unless I give all of it away. So, I tend to make jam every second year to give me time to use it all up. A friend told me recently that I don't eat it because I am 'suffering a toast shortage'. This is true. I rarely have bread in the house, but if I did, I'd eat nothing else, and cook not at all. Most of my jam ends up in yogurt, and I can eat dozens of jars of rhubarb jam this way. In fact, I hadn't planned to make any jam this year, but I saw a basket of beautiful apricots at the farmers' market a couple of weeks ago and couldn't resist. I actually don't like to eat apricots out of hand, but love them in pastries and in jam, of course. This was a very simple recipe, which made a tangy soft set jam, just the way I like it. I may not be eating it on toast, but I do see a Sachertorte in our future.
Apricot Jam
From the Williams Sonoma Book of Preserving
Makes 5-250 ml jars
3 pounds apricots
2 cups sugar
½ cup fresh lemon juice
  1. Pit apricots and slice thinly. Combine with sugar in a large pot and allow to macerate at room temperature for at least 4 hours. You can also refrigerate them overnight.
  2. Add lemon juice and bring to a boil, and cook for about 25 minutes, until thickened. Remember that the jam will be firmer when cool, so don't overcook.
  3. Ladle into hot, sterilized jars, cap, and process in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes. Any jars that do not seal can be kept in the fridge.


  1. I actually haven't made my own jam before. I need to start before all the summer fruits are gone!

  2. I'm not much of a jam eater either, but since I started making Greek yogurt at home, all my jam jars seem to be emptying fast! Apricot is one of my favorites! Looks delicious, Mary!

  3. Ooh I love making and eating jam! I've made two batches of raspberry this summer and some blackberry and apple jelly. I eat toast for breakfast so that helps me use it :)

  4. My fgavorite is apricot jam!!! this look amazing!! gloria

  5. Looking forward to that Sachertorte! I'm not a huge jam fan, which works out because I don't really like making jam in the first place, lol. But I can still appreciate a pretty jame when I see it!

  6. So delicious, this apricot jam! I can't stop making this jam. Thanks.

  7. I love jam with yogurt too! I grew up eating jam with toast every morning for breakfast but don't use it often now, except in my recipes.

  8. So easy to make jam but I rarely do. I should but I also serve it more to guests then myself. Oh, a Sachertorte, a part of my heritage!

    Have an awesome trip!

  9. Who says you need toast in order to eat jam? Just grab a spoon and a bib. :D

    This looks delicious, Mary! That apricot colour is gorgeous.

  10. Do you have to peel the fruit first or can you just leave the skin on?

  11. I haven't made jam before and buy jam occasionally, usually apricot. :) Your jam looks delicious on the bread!

  12. We are like you - we never eat jam - but I, too, love making it... however, I have had to pull in the reigns and think about what we DO eat and work to preserve that. I love apricot glaze and the fruit in desserts, too. YUM. So, I bought two cases and decided to do a few different things. A couple of them even turned out. :) I wish I had seen your jam recipe first - as the recipe is one thing - but, how the person raves about it is another. I guess I am a sucker for the raving. The recipe I decided to use was weight in pitted fruit + equal weight of sugar = make into jam
    My batch was so big that there was WAY too much liquid right at the start so I changed my mind mid stream and ended up with these glorious jars of a French Style "jam" that is light and lovely and really a pile translucent apricots in the jar. Love it.
    Oh - made the rest into syrup - and had 4 quarts of it to give away. It was really delicious - but, mainly SUGAR!


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