Saturday, June 18, 2011

Strawberry and Roasted Rhubarb Custard Tarts

I am a delinquent French Fridays with Dorie member. I haven't posted anything in months, but when I saw that rhubarb was on the menu I jumped back on board. A day late, but I'm posting! Rhubarb season is pretty well finished here, but I grabbed a bunch last weekend at the farmers' market, along with a basket of local strawberries. I know that strawberries get all the glory, but I prefer the rhubarb. I just can't get enough of its acidity and tang.
Rhubarb surprise under the pastry cream!
These tarts were made from some rough puff pastry I had in the freezer, left over from the custard tarts. I cut small circles and baked them at 400℉ for about 10 minutes in a muffin tin, then turned them out onto a rack to cool. I was too lazy to line them and fill them with beans, so they shrunk a bit, but they were incredibly crisp and flaky. I made a quick pastry cream and piped it into the cooled shells, over a layer of the roasted rhubarb. Then I plopped a strawberry or more rhubarb on top and dessert was ready. These were so tiny that 2 or 3 seemed like a reasonable serving.
Straight rhubarb for me, please
The rhubarb was delicious, very tangy and not too watery. We don't post the recipes from Around my French Table, but you can find this one here on Dorie's blog. I used a vanilla bean instead of orange, as I find the orange takes over the rhubarb flavour a bit, and I like it to be front and centre. Enjoy!


  1. Oh, so pretty, Mary! So glad you joined us again!

  2. I love the idea of the tarts!

  3. These are gorgeous tarts, thanks for joining in the rhubarb making fun;-)

  4. This sounds delicious. Very summery :)

  5. Mary, these little tarts are adorable! When I was in Paris, little delicacies like these were in almost all the patisseries.

    I'm sorry to hear that the season of rhubarb is over, hopefully you managed to store some away! :D

  6. Anonymous18 June, 2011

    Welcome back! =D These tarts look so yummy, and I just happen to have some puff pastry in the freezer! Yay!

  7. What lovely little tarts! I have yet to really experiment with rhubarb, as I always miss the season, or forget how quickly it passes by. Glad you were able to enjoy part of it!

  8. Oh. My. Goodness. Crazy yummy and beautiful - I just love the combo you came up with. I was already resolved to go back and try this again - Nana is on the hunt for more rhubarb but after 5 stores in one day got not 1 stalk :( But we we get some I am SO trying your combo. And I love your blog header - just adorable and made me chuckle !!

  9. Anonymous18 June, 2011

    Your tarts are just adorable! I'm glad you could make desserts to enjoy your rhubarb with. I find them too tart for me!

  10. Your tarts are lovely! What a great way to serve your roasted rhubarb! Glad you could join us on this one!

  11. Its a sad, sad day when you realise that rhubarb is out of season and long wait until it comes back. I love it so much! and these tarts look amazing!

  12. Rhubarb and custard - yum!!!!! So in heaven - two of my favourite things, and they are so cute.

  13. Your tarts are gorgeous. I've never tried mini-tarts in muffin tins. I'm inspired now. I loved this rhubarb. Glad you did too. (And it's nice to see a FFwD post from you.)

  14. Rhubarb and strawberry tarts are on the top 5 of my favorite pies. I adore this version with puff pastry and the cream. Very original.

  15. Anonymous20 June, 2011

    Such a lovely dessert you've created with this week's recipe!

  16. I'm charmed to pieces by these adorable little tarts!! :-) Sigh, they're so cute and I love the surprise under the cream. Perfect spring delights. :-)

  17. I've so fallen off the FFwD wagon, but I will make this before the rhubarb season is finished here.

  18. Your tartlets look fabulous! I can imagine the wonderful surprise of discovering the tart rhubarb beneath the sweet custard. Yum!

  19. That is amazing....the photo is better than a food magazine and even though I have made this dish before, you are making me want to make it again. I salute yo Fellow Mary Miss Blogger!

  20. What sweet little desserts! Trust Dorie to come in with something fabulous like this.


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