Monday, February 21, 2011

Toasted almond scones

I made these scones to start off a 4-day weekend, and now at the end of it I'm so sleepy I can barely stay awake to tell you how good they are. I baked half the dough on Friday and froze the other half and baked it Monday, and both versions were wonderful. I loved that they were barely sweet and had a great almond flavour and a crumbly, perfect texture. I tried them with homemade raspberry and plum jams and I'm just happy that there are a couple left to greet me very early tomorrow morning. 
This week's fantastic pick was chosen by Mike of Living Out West. He'll have the recipe for you, and you can see which other TWD members baked this week by going here. Night!


  1. I have a few in my freezer waiting for just the right day--probably tomorrow! Your jam looks delicious, great idea.

  2. Your scones look amazing with that jam! Yum! So glad you enjoyed them!

  3. We loved these, too. Not too sweet with a nice almondy flavor. The jam looks delicious!

  4. Frozen - that's the ticket! These look wonderful - love the photo. The best part about the freezing is baking when you want them! I never thought to put jam on any of my 5 dozen or so.... :) Great idea!

  5. Hope you have a good night's sleep. The jam on top of your scones looks so luscious!

  6. I love the photo with the jam smothered on top of the scone! They turned out excellent! Im glad you liked them!

  7. Great idea to to freeze them. The photos are awesome.

  8. Cindy, the jam makes the scones shine.

  9. Your scones and jam look so good right now! And, the color of your jam is so bright!

  10. Oh, these look yummy! Good to know scones dough freezes well!

  11. The almonds scones are more then tempting. Looks like a perfect flavor balance and the jam is wonderful to serve with.

  12. Lovely! That jam looks so good right now -- good way to add sweetness!

  13. Jam should be required right? I see you sugared the tops as well which I think makes the low sugar in the scones just right.

  14. Mary I LOVE scones!! I'm book-marking this to try very soon! Looks and sounds delicious!

  15. Your scones look gorgeous! I like the sprinkled sugar on top (wish I had thought of that.)

  16. I wish I had some of those right now, Mary. They look fantastic!

  17. They look so beautiful! I love scones!

  18. these look amazing! i'm glad that you enjoyed these!

  19. I just saw these over at Valerie's site. Good for you for participating in so many group efforts. These look scrumptious. Scones and almonds would be perfect - well, with butter! I would skip the jam, but it looks very flavourful!

  20. These really were a nice little breakfast treat.

  21. These scones look so perfectly golden and the thought of the almonds paired with the berry jam is enough to send me straight to the kitchen!

  22. your scones look so good. seems like tomorrow morning i'll be busy making some almond scones. thanks for sharing


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