Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Daring Bakers make fancy cake

Well, what we really made was a joconde imprimé and wrapped it around a filling, making an entremet. Fancy cake is a bit clearer, no? This was a fantastic challenge from Astheroshe of accro. I would never have made something so fancy-looking on my own, and I was thrilled to see the challenge and discover that it was not too complicated, though there were plenty of components. In fact, I was so eager to get started that I neither read all the instructions nor watched the video that was described as 'MUST WATCH THIS'. So, I was a bit disappointed with my results. It tasted amazing, but it just didn't look as nice as I wanted it to. If you were in a nice French bakery, your gaze would pass over mine, unless you're a real softie. Anyway, I'm being a bit melodramatic. If you decide to make one of these, please read the PDF and watch the video. No, I still haven't watched it.

I used the passionfruit mousse from a couple of weeks ago to fill my entremets, and topped them with some passionfruit gelée (that's the fancy name for homemade Jell-O). The decor paste was tinted with cocoa, and the cake is an almond sponge. It was the construction where I messed up. I had it in my head that the entremets needed a cake base (they don't--it's in the instructions), but it just looks kind of stuck on. I also wrapped my molds completely in plastic wrap before lining them with parchment, meaning I mangled them a bit when trying to unmold them. Again, it was in the instructions not to do this. Like a few others, I discovered the gelée had run down the outside of the entremet, staining the cake a bit. Not tragic, but I definitely plan to make more of these, as I have so many ideas for designs and fillings. Stay tuned!
Thanks so much for a great challenge, Astheroshe! The Daring Bakers really went all out this month, so head over to The Daring Kitchen to see the slideshow of gorgeous entremets. 

Blog-checking lines: The January 2011 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Astheroshe of the blog accro. She chose to challenge everyone to make a Biscuit Joconde Imprime to wrap around an Entremets dessert.


  1. I can't tell that you 'messed up' the construction at all! It looks absolutely stunning.

  2. Mary, I think my eyes would be immediately drawn to your 'fancy cake' if I saw it in a display case. The soft, peachy colour and with the swirls of brown are gorgeous! Plus, who can turn down anything made with passion fruit?

    We are our own worse critics. :D

  3. I think you are too harsh on yourself your fancy cake looks stunning and passionfruit is one on my favourites. And I totally agree with you this was a wonderful challenge.

    Cheers from Audax in Sydney Australia.

  4. You're brave to admit that you breezed past the video & instructions! But, your cakes look pretty nifty regardless. Great and honest post!

  5. I, too, skipped the video... But you need to know that your final fancy cake looks amazing. I absolutely wouldn't pass it by! I love the creativity you put into this challenge, and I would love to see if you make this again!

  6. You are definitely being too hard on yourself, because I think your fancy cakes look beautiful. Between the great designs and the passionfruit mousse, it looks and sounds amazing!! Really great job.

  7. A stunning cake. How do you master the art of fancy cake baking?

  8. I think you results are stunning my dear, I know how hard we can be on our own creations but it is gorgeous and I would devour it instantly.

  9. I think it looks gorgeous, and the flavours sound delicious. Great job!

  10. Ha, I must be a softie then! I think your entremets look wonderful - beautiful bold designs, PASSION FRUIT MOUSSE (I don't know why that's in caps - excitement, I guess), and that pretty, sunny passion fruit topping. Gorgeous. :)

    I can't believe how casually they toss around their joconde wrapper in the video. I was terrified mine was going to break. It was so floppy!

  11. hi Mary! Your design is perfect, but I've to try your passionfruits mousse, it looks so yummy!!! :-D

  12. What are you talking about--you are too critical of your work. Looks wonderful. And I did watch the video :-))

  13. I think you're being waaaaay too hard on yourself: it looks spectacular! I love the design, and the passionfuirt gelée!

  14. nope your wrong, it looks fantastic. If I were presented this I would fall out of my seat.

  15. gorgeous fancy cakes Mary, really good, and I bet they taste good too!

  16. Love the colors Mary! It looks so fresh and delicious. I made a base too :) Great job on this challenge!

  17. I think your cakes look great, and I adore passionfruit - delish!

  18. Can't believe you were not so happy with your result. Do I have to tell you my second version was totally inspired by yours? You know how much I adore passionfruit. So sad I wasn't in Brazil anymore and couldn't use the fresh fruit. My mousse wasn't very good I'll try your recipe next time!

  19. I am Fairly new to DB, joined in time for November's challenge. I love the idea of passionfruit.
    Bobbie from

  20. Standing Ovation, Mary!
    I have ALWAYS wanted to do this - with nary a clue how! This challenge has definitely excited me as I am reading so many. The passion fruit mousse was the perfect choice and has my mouth watering AGAIN!.... but no one is providing their recipe for Biscuit_Joconde_Entrement_- nor have I yet found a step by step photo of how it was done. Do you know of one I can refer to?

  21. Stunning little cakes. It is not possible you were not happy with them. Great job.

  22. Mary you are always too hard on yourself. Looks pretty darn amazing to me and I'm sure it was delish! I need to check out daring kitchen it looks like alot of great fun. B:)

  23. I think they look beautiful! I loved these when you posted them on the forum and thought they looked so elegant, yet simple. Nice job on the challenge!

  24. I'll chime in as well - this was beautiful and looks absolutely delicious!!

  25. Mary, truely you are too hard on yourself! I think your entremets look fab! And I can't see where the gelee leaked into the sponge - unlike mine which is glaringly obvious! Your passionfruit mousse is definately a must try! I love anything passionfruit!

  26. I do think you are being a bit too hard on yourself. They look good to me and I wouldn't pass them if I saw them in a French bakery, honest. :)

  27. This is looking sooo amazing. I saved it in my fav .. have to make it!

  28. Kudos on a job beautifully done, Mary! I have yet to attempt this masterpiece, but when I do I hope mine will be half as lovely as yours is!

  29. Mary

    Your work is so perfect, the flavours are astonishing, the design so delicate, wonderful job!!!

    Congratulations. Inma

  30. mary, all I see is delicious perfection, and I want one as that passionfruit mousse sounds phenomenal (i was originally going to do a passionfruit mousse with milk chocolate entremet). Your joconde is amazing, and love the PF gelee top. You are so talented, seriously.

  31. I swore I had commented on your beautiful entremet already since I LOVED it the moment I saw it on the boards. Anyways, this looks gorgeous and I absolutely love the flavor combinations. Great job as always!

  32. This is gorgeous! I love it.:)

  33. I personally think you did a beautiful job on this month's challenge (anything with passionfruit always gets my vote)
    Best- Sandie

  34. Certainly a lot less messed up than mine, I love the top one at the front with the swirls the best,the passionfruit looks lovely and refreshing

  35. So pretty! I see we both had the same idea (to use passionfruit for this challenge). Your entremets look so pretty.



  36. Wasn't this quite the challenge!!! I think every DBer probably looked at the challenge and all sat with our jaw on the floor. "We have to make that? But how?!"
    But, we all did. So yay for us!
    The passionfruit mousse sounds so good, yum!

  37. Congratulations on your success in the challenge,
    your cake looks good!

  38. Oh,My! These are beautiful. How Daring you are to make these. There are times when I wish I was still with DB, like when ones like this come up.

    Great job!!

  39. they're seriously adorable!! nice job, they are so cute and perfect.


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